
How to install transmission drain plug
How to install transmission drain plug

how to install transmission drain plug

So now that you know where it's located.Ģa) Use a 24mm socket to unscrew and remove the fill plug, circled in GREEN. Hobbit also has a great picture here to give you an overview.

how to install transmission drain plug


The transaxle case is on the drivers (left side of the car) whereas the oil pan is on the passengers side of the car. Looking at this picture (taken from underneath looking straight up) the fill plug faces the front of the car and the drain plug is angled down to the ground. You will also want to put some newspaper or a drop cloth underneath the transmission case so you don't get your floor/driveway dirty if any spills occur.Ģ) Here's the transaxle case, circled in RED is the drain plug and circled in GREEN is the fill plug. 2 crush washers (Toyota calls them "gaskets"), part #90430-18008 (replaced by part #90430-A0003)ġ) Put you car on ramps or jack up the front and place the car on jack stands so you have some room to work underneath the car.4 quarts of Toyota ATF WS, part #00289-ATFWS.I will be going into detail below but this really boils down to: raise car, remove fill plug, remove drain plug and drain fluid into container, torque drain plug, add new fluid, torque fill plug, lower car. I did this after doing an oil change in the middle of a MN winter and have to say that it was really simple. Since I bought my Prius used I didn't know if this was ever done, but now at 115,600 I wanted to change it to get a reference point. Based on what I've read on the forums and other Prius sites 60k may be a better interval for routine changes. The first time Toyota recommends replacing this is 120k if you're driving in "ideal conditions," although they recommend inspecting it every 30k. A transmission/transaxle fluid change is a routine maintenance item, just like an oil change but performed much less often.

How to install transmission drain plug